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Uploaded 24-Jun-13
Taken 17-Jul-14
Visitors 89

5 of 28 photos
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Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Yellowstone, bison, grazing, portrait, snow, snow-covered, winter


In January, 2012, I visited Yellowstone for 7 days of frigid and glorious winter photography. I went with a small group, traveling about on one of the big snow coaches as we explored the winter landscape. We saw many bison in our days in the park, but on the morning I made this image, the light was perfect, soft and even. It had snowed the day before, and the freshly fallen snow still stuck to the bison's coat. The American Bison has such a thick insulation of fat that its own body temperature does not melt the snow which falls on its fur - these snow coats can last for days in the cold Yellowstone winter. I shot many frames of the herd which browsed in this frozen meadow, and just got very lucky when this fellow wandered away from the pack, allowing me to get this terrific portrait.